Commodities Fourth Quarter 2024 Index Returns
Horizontal bar chart of ranked commodity returns. Coffee had the highest return at 18.51% and sugar had the lowest at -14.29%.
Commodity | Ranked Returns (%) |
Coffee | 18.51% |
WTI Crude Oil | 7.10% |
Heating Oil | 5.75% |
Lean Hogs | 5.57% |
Unleaded Gas | 5.49% |
Brent Crude Oil | 5.16% |
Low Sulphur Gas Oil | 4.95% |
Corn | 4.92% |
Live Cattle | 2.72% |
Natural Gas | 0.04% |
Gold | -1.60% |
Aluminum | -3.69% |
Zinc | -4.18% |
Kansas Wheat | -6.47% |
Soybean | -6.57% |
Soybean Oil | -7.48% |
Wheat | -8.11% |
Silver | -8.32% |
Lead | -8.40% |
Soybean Meal | -9.05% |
Cotton | -10.08% |
Copper | -12.60% |
Nickel | -13.81% |
Sugar | -14.29% |
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